North America

Roanoke College

Unlocking Efficiency and Savings: Roanoke College's Software Rationalization Journey.

Roanoke College, established in 1842, stands as an independent, co-educational, four-year liberal arts college, known for its Lutheran heritage. Recognized by US News and World Report, The Princeton Review, and Forbes Magazine, Roanoke boasts a diverse academic landscape with 1,759 full-time students, an average class size of 18, and 97 areas of study.

Roanoke College Experimented a Strategic Software Portfolio Revolution

While the project is ongoing, the anticipated results include improved software efficiency, potential cost savings, and a more strategically aligned software portfolio. Roanoke College's commitment to enhancing its software landscape positions it for future operational excellence and enhanced technological capabilities.
Roanoke College initiated a software rationalization project with Doctums to review its campus software portfolio, seeking to identify duplicative functionality, optimize spend, and strategically enhance software utilization. This collaborative effort, led by the CIO and CFO, aims to improve efficiency and maximize the value of software investments.
Roanoke College faced the challenge of ensuring optimal utilization of its software, identifying duplicative functionalities, and addressing any gaps in its current software landscape. The joint initiative by the CIO and CFO aimed to enhance strategic software management.
Pain Points
The institution grappled with potential redundancies in software usage and the need for a more strategic approach to software utilization. Lack of awareness of the full functionality of certain software solutions contributed to gaps in knowledge and overall efficiency.
Doctums conducted a comprehensive assessment of Roanoke College's software landscape, analyzing functional fit, technical integration, end-user experience, and cost analysis. Recommendations included retiring duplicative solutions, rewarding effective software applications, refreshing outdated systems, and replacing or investing in others to optimize Roanoke's software portfolio.

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